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The fun thing about being a designer and working at a company that had recently built a new head office is that there are endless blank walls that need a bit of life. These murals were all designed for their specific location in mind and printed large scale on adhesive-backed vinyl.

Large Legend Mural2.jpg

Collage Mural


At 15 feet tall and 59 feet long, this mural was especially challenging mainly because of the sheer size of it. It features a massive collage of photos from the company's past and current catalogues. I used Adobe Bridge to create smaller 6x6 image collages to make it a bit more manageable. This mural was a large undertaking considering every image only duplicates twice but the end result is now a unique feature of the showroom. The collage theme is also featured on the parts store mural. 

Orientation Bay.jpg
Kids Play area.jpg

Mural Graphic Design


All of the murals focus on company branding and the idea of making memories. Some of the other murals I designed for the new Legend Boats head office included the 3 part "welcome to the water" murals in the orientation bay which is what customers see when they pick up their new boat for the first time.


I also created murals for the children's play area, office areas, and the parts store. 

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