The L-Series Pontoon line was a project I got to work on from start to finished product. The goal of the line was to design a high-end pontoon with a new style of fencing. The new fencing would be replicated on the other pontoon lines, giving them some consistency in aesthetics.
L-Series Pontoons

I first started by sketching out many different fencing designs. We liked the idea of having separate back and front railing sections so that when they overlapped the fencing would create dimension. We also liked the idea of adding curves to the railings and having the fencing on the outside of the rails.

I continued to mock up some fencing designs in SolidWorks to get a rough idea of the form. The curved form became a lot more subtle once I took into account the minimum fencing height regulations and the max height of sheet metal our manufacturer could produce.

After going through many iterations this was the final design. It features the curved two-part exterior fencing, inset lights, a new console, and new furniture. The furniture was designed to be less bulky and a bit more angular while still maintaining comfort.

The final product to market
The end product featured the new fencing I designed. We wanted to get the pontoon to market sooner than intended and therefore we used an existing console and furniture. We did, however, manage to update the furniture colours and fabrics. The end result is a pontoon that looks and feels very luxurious. It has also resulted in increased sales in the high-end pontoon market for Legend Boats.